Buddhist Networks sent the Letter of Disagreement to UN and UNESCO to protect Mes Aynak
Buddhist Networks rose up and sent the Letter of Disagreement to UN and UNESCO to object the destruction of the ancient Buddhist city "Mes Aynak."
International Buddhist Youth Exchange Program 2012
องค์การยุวพุทธศาสนิกสัมพันธ์แห่งโลก (ย.พ.ส.ล) ขอเชิญเยาวชนไทยอายุระหว่าง 18-25 ปี เข้าร่วมโครงการแลกเปลี่ยนเยาวชนนานาชาติ ในภูมิภาคเอเชีย กว่า 15 ประเทศ
What is the historical background of the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat and the activities of monks during these months?
This period of the year is known as the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat. I would like to know the historical background of this religious event and the activities of monks during these months.
World Peace can become a reality
Dhamma For People :- World Peace can become a reality.
Mother's Day 2014
Mother's Day 2014. History and Activities on Mother's Day 2014.
Thai youths intend to do good deeds for H.M. the King
The Bangkok Poll unveiled that Thai youths intend to do good deeds for H.M. the King as the National Father Day.
Thai Youth In The High Tech Era
Very often I felt like surrendering and didn’t understand why the more merit I made the more degrading my life was until I became penniless. I felt as if I was in the dark. However, no matter how bad it was I would not give in and I chose to fight to my death. I changed from being downhearted to taking up the challenge. Finally I found out the best solution was not to think about it and to motivate myself to keep on making merit with an assurance that one day the merit will certainly yield fruit.
ประชุมกรรมการบริหารองค์การยุวพุทธศาสนิกสัมพันธ์แห่งโลก เมื่อวันที่ 25-26 กรกฎาคม 2553 ที่ผ่านมา องค์การยุวพุทธศาสนิกสัมพันธ์แห่งโลก(World Fellowship Buddhist Youth) ได้จัดการประชุมกรรมการบริหาร ครั้งที่ 57 ณ กรุงไทเป ประเทศไต้หวัน
A comment about how to improve the Buddhism subject
The assistant abbot of Tharn Nam Lai Temple commented about how to improve the Buddhism subject for Thai youths.
The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga (January 13th, 2012)
The Collection of Waited Photo of the World !! The Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 13th, 2012